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  1. Hello Eudaemon, There is not fixed rule as such. If you are short on content, let the essay be limited to 3 paragraphs only. In all my essays, I only gave one supporting statement, and it worked for me! Remember, they are not judging how you back your opinion - they are judging how you can stay relevant to the topic of the essay. Also, the word limit is 200-300 (or 250-300) words. I was always in the middle of this range. All the best!
  2. Hello Chandan, Just to be sure, I purchased the PTE practice tests and sample questions (Gold package I think). That was the only preparation I had. Although I am not a native speaker, my work requires me to interact with global clients regularly, so understanding various accents (listening) and speaking is not a problem. Writing essay: Divide the essay into 4 paragraphs of 2-3 sentences each: 1. Introduction 2. Your opinion 3. Fact-based statements to back up your position or personal experiences 4. Conclusion. Use of decent vocabulary and punctuations is key. All they want is to ensure you can frame proper English sentences and communicate your point across. Speaking: Just speak the way you usually do. Not too loud, no fake accents. Of course, no 3-second gaps! Listening: Listen VERY carefully, probably close your eyes and listen if need be (and if you're not taking notes). I was having issues concentrating with so much noise around (outside noise). Reading: No real tips here :\ Just try to understand the passages and not try to match the options word for word. All the best!
  3. Hi all, Reading through the thread, I thought I will share my experience as well. I am in India and gave the PTE last week. I was pleasantly surprised to score 90 in all sections in my first attempt! Why surprised? I was sure my mic would have picked up noise from the adjacent test takers - the seats were too close! But seeing the scores, my guess is that may be the software is intelligently designed and only picks up 'relevant' sounds - as all the test-takers were answering different questions (at least while speaking). The main problem was concentration, given the noise. My tip for describe image: structure the first sentence like this and NEVER fumble: "The line-chart/pie-chart/bar-graph illustrates [chart title] from the period/through the period/for [x-axis]". Then point one or two extremes in the graph: "The sales were highest in 2006 and lowest in 2009", and conclude, if possible with a trend analysis: "Overall, there is a downward trend in sales in the last five years". I am an MBA and my job is to look at charts and sound smart :cute:
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